
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

Latest News

Latest News...

  • Virtual Remembrance Service

    Tue 17 Nov 2020 Mr B-M
    Please head to the 'Whole School' link on the class pages to see our Virtual Remembrance Service.  
  • Early Reading Meeting

    Thu 08 Oct 2020 Mr B-M
    The video of the Early Reading Meeting held last week is now listed under the Penguin and Puffin class pages.
  • Starting School 2021

    Mon 05 Oct 2020 Mr B-M
    Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are unfortunately not able to currently offer individual tours for starting school 2021.  Please find attached a poster which tells you of our intention to run a live Q+A session with the Early Years Class Teachers and myself (Mr Brooks-Martin Headteacher) where we will be able to describe starting school here at Otterbourne and answer those burning questions you may have.  This week there will also be a virtual tour video posted for you all so that you can see the early years classrooms.  If you have any queries then please do call the school office.
  • Virtual 'Harvest Festival' celebration

    Fri 02 Oct 2020 Mr B-M
    A big 'Thank you' to all of the children and staff for creating our first virtual Harvest Festival film which you can find on the Whole School Class Pages.  It is lovely to see all of the children taking part with gusto!  Thank you also for the amazing donations from all of you.  The Basics Bank will be thrilled with the tins and packets collected. 
  • New Playground Markings

    Thu 17 Sep 2020

    Our school playground has received a much-needed makeover recently and we must give our thanks to last year’s Year 6 parents for their generous donation.  Thanks also to NFU Mutual for providing us with a grant, designed to help keep children more active during the pandemic.


    At the start of the lockdown period, with the keyworker children in school, we invited children to bring scooters in to the school for different periods of the day.  The invitation was widely accepted and it was a joy to see the children active and playing together, regardless of their ages.


    To have the opportunity to repeat this invitation for all children, and have them use a purpose-built track is something that we are incredibly grateful for and we can’t wait to see all of our year groups zipping around the ‘roads’ in the coming months.




  • Notice to variation of Admissions policy

    Thu 03 Sep 2020 Mr B-M

    Dear Parents,

    I would like to inform you that due to the impact of COVID-19 the diocese are varying the admissions policy for the school in the faith criteria aspect.  Normally parents who have attended church for at least 6 months could apply to the school on a faith grounds.  As Churches have been closed for a significant amount of time the wording of this has been changed.


    The wording has been changed to:

    In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church [has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these [admissions] arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    Mr B-M

  • COVID-19 FAQs

    Wed 19 Aug 2020 Martin Geraghty


    Published 19th August


    If you have further questions, please email the school office and we will continue to publish responses for the whole school community to see.  Thank you for your questions so far.


    When does school re-open?

    The Autumn Term starts on September 3rd but the first two days are inset days.  We look forward to welcoming children back to school, and our new Year Rs, on Monday 7th September.


    What are the drop-off and collection arrangements?

    We are continuing with the previous one-way system but with a couple of small changes.  The one-way system flows from the main car park, up Winchester Road, through the church and around the school (small) car park.  From the church gate, this will include 2m markers but please follow the social distancing guidelines as much as possible.  We ask that you all follow the one-way system to ensure that we can get children into school safely and as quickly as we are able.  This system is subject to further change, and we have an alternative plan, should we feel it can be improved.   


    For more details and a copy of the map, please visit


    What will children be learning in school?

    Children will engage in a broad and varied curriculum, and the initial week will very much be focused on transition, getting to know each other and well-being, so that we can ensure all children are comfortable being back in school.


    What should children wear to school

    All children returning to school need to be in full school uniform.  PE kits should be in accordance with the uniform policy, and we ask that sports tops are not used for PE (white tops please).


    With regards to children wearing face masks/PPE, we have been advised in the Government guidance that because of the nature of the working 'bubbles' and low contact, this is not required.


    What should our children bring in to school with them?

    Children should return to school with a PE kit (which will remain in school so can be in their regular PE bag).  This should include their normal change of clothes/trainers for sports, long trousers and wellingtons for whenever they visit the meadow and a sunhat (ideally all of these items will remain in school until the end of term).    Children should also bring a water bottle, which will come home each day, lunch in fully disposable packaging (unless they are having a school lunch (see menu in 'Useful Information')).  Book bags can be used on book exchange days which are Friday (for taking books home) and Wednesday (for returning books to school).


    Should children bring a water bottle in to school?

    Yes.  Please ensure that all children have a water bottle (named) as we will not be able to provide school cups.  Children in some year groups will be able to keep their bottle with them on their table.  In Early Years, there will be a designated safe space for bottles to be kept.  Children will be bringing their water bottles home each night for cleaning ahead of the following day. 


    Should our children bring sun-cream in with them?

    As per normal school rules, we are unable to apply sun-cream for the children and would prefer that they have this applied at home, to reduce the number of items being brought in to school.


    Should children bring their book bag each day?

    As these are fabric, we would ask that children don't come in to school with book bags each day.  We are planning a timetabled, school-wide library day for Fridays.  We will provide children with a week's work of reading books on Fridays (which will include books from the classroom and the library) and would ask that these be returned on the following Wednesday unless they are being kept for longer.  Book bags can be brought to school for this reason and just for this reason please.  For your information, all books that are returned to the school will be stored away from children for 5 days before being returned to classrooms or the library.  


    Will KS1 children still get their morning snack provided by school?

    Yes.  This will continue for KS1 children.  However, please provide an additional healthy snack for your children if you wish.  Please note that the school 'snack shop' will not be open during the phased re-opening period. 


    Should children be sent to school if they are 'ill'?

    If is fine to send your child with a minor cough, cold or sniffle.  But if they have any symptoms of COVID-19, (for example a fever) keep them at home.  Try to get a test as soon as possible - if the test is negative, your child and any siblings can return to school.  If you are unable to get a test, the child with symptoms will need to isolate for 10 days (even if they are now well and not showing any symptoms) and the rest of the family will need to isolate for 14 days.  


    The main symptoms in children are: - 


    *  a high temperature

    *  a new continuous cough - that means coughing a lot for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.  

    *  a loss or change of smell or taste - this means they cannot smell or taste anything , or things taste different to normal.


    Finally, if your child would need Calpol 'to keep them going', or require medication to control their symptoms - please keep them home.  If you are unsure please give us a call.


    Where can I find the government guidance?

    The following links will direct you to the different documents released by Government:


    Test and Trace and how it works -


    Testing and Tracing - 


    Stay at Home Guidance -


    Getting Tested -


    Safe Working in Education -


    Isolation re: education settings -


    Cleaning of non-healthcare settings -


    Contacting PHE -


    Using public transport -


    Review of disparities in risks and outcomes -


    Supporting staff - 


  • Sports Mark May - Let's Get Active!!

    Fri 01 May 2020 Mr Geraghty

    We are participating in the Hampshire SGO Sports Mark May - hopefully you can join us...


    See our Sports page, under News and Events for more information.

  • #HSGDailyChallenge

    Mon 20 Apr 2020 Mr Geraghty

    As sports competitions are put on hold, School Games Organisers (SGOs) from across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have been finding new ways to keep young people active.  They recently launched their #HSGDailyChallenge to encourage children to stay active and compete to achieve their personal bests.


    The #HSGDailyChallenge involves physical activity challenges which are published daily via @HampshireSGO Twitter and Facebook channels.  If you’re not on Facebook or Twitter, you can still get involved in the challenges by emailing one of the school games organisers.  

    You can find your nearest by visiting:


    Children are encouraged to record their progress and improvement and compete to achieve their personal best - all details are available directly from the organiser or their Twitter/Facebook feeds.  There will be spot prizes for individuals and schools for outstanding achievements.  


    Please get involved with these physical activity challenges, which are designed to help children stay active and maintain good physical and mental health.  


    Follow the School Games Organisers on Twitter or Facebook to join the challenge:


    Our School's Games Organisers are Alison MacQuillin and Emma White


    Twitter: @SGO_new        @HampshireSGO 

    Twitter via web:           




    More information:

  • Dance Junkie video

    Mon 20 Apr 2020