
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

9th September

9th September 2022


What a fantastic first week we have had in Giraffe Class! I am so proud of the way all the children have settled in: they have a wonderful work ethic, lovely manners and are already coming together as a class in a supportive way. 


Confidence has been increasing throughout the week and it is lovely to see more hands going up and children beginning to read aloud and present their work. 


I was extremely impressed with the children's Book in a Box projects from the summer holidays. They showed a lot of creativity and they have inspired us to try lots of new books. 


Have a look at some of the incredible pictures of our work and some of the other things we have been up to this week! 


Best wishes,


Mrs Holland

Book in a Box

Our Thoughts and Messages for the Queen

Out and About in Science
