
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

Friday 5th November

Friday 5th November

It has been a really busy week in year 6 this week! 

This week in year 6, we did long division and learnt the 4 key steps to do long division.

  • Step 1 divide
  • step 2 multiply
  • step 3 subtract
  • step 4 bring the next number down.

We're really proud of ourselves! 



In art we learnt about the artist Hockney, explored colour mixing and tried to extend a piece of Hockney's art work. 



In English, we have created adverts to sell high visibility waistcoats  for Time to Shine day. We made up some slogans, expanded noun phrases and rhetorical question. Then we drafted our own adverts. On Friday we went to the ICT Suite and began publishing them.

Outdoor Learning Day

We spent all of Thursday outside. In maths, we created algebraic equations using natural materials. 

In Science, we played lots of games in teams, made lardy balls for the birds and learnt about the peppered moths and the habitat that they live in.  We learnt that they have adapted to the black forest because of pollution.



In guided reading, we continued to read Twitch by MG Leonard. We learnt more about Ryan the robber and how Twitch thinks that his friend Billy might be Ryan the robber. We then made summaries of the chapters we read.


By Jamie and Harry
