
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

End of KS2 SATs Celebrations!

Every year we love to celebrate the end of KS2 SATs with some fun and games and what else could be better than human hungry hippos!


Each child was given back the practice papers they had taken throughout the year, under the pretense that it was time for them to go through each and every question for one last time. Little did they know that we actually needed them to be human shredding machines, and ordered them to tear their papers into to tiny little pieces to save us the job!


They certainly did an excellent job and had lots of fun in the process! We had children buried in paper, children making 'paper angels', snow ball fights and much more.

They then needed to be hungry hippos collecting as many pieces as they could to clear the hall ready for lunch and ordered to keep this a secret from the Y5s!


Later on today, they will be taking part in a rounders tournament on the field.

What an amazing end to the week! 


Mrs Simpson, Mrs Holland and Mr O'Dowd


Year 6 Leavers' Hoodies and Hungry Hippos - how much fun can you have with old test papers?!
