Class Teacher: Miss Hutchings
Class LSA: Mrs Slominski
1-1 LSA: Mrs Alexander
Homework Rota:
Maths/English homework will be given out on a Wednesday, along with spellings. Homework is due in on a Monday and the children will also be tested on their spellings on this day.
Library Time: Our library day is on a Wednesday this year. Books can be returned on any day but they must be properly scanned back in to avoid them still being signed out under your child's name.
Reading Diaries: Reading diaries are to be returned to school each Monday for checking, house points to be rewarded and they will then be sent home the same day. The expectation is that your child will read 5 times a week.
P.E.: R & R is on a Thursday afternoon and indoor PE will vary depending on the timetable. Therefore please ensure that all PE kits are in school at all times.
Children can come straight into class from 8:45am. If there is any aspect of your child's school experience that you would like to discuss, please email or call the school office to discuss further.