
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

28th March

Interviewing characters from the Adventures of Odysseus. 


Today we finished reading 'The Adventures of Odysseus' which has been our class text for the spring term. After reading, we reflected on how much our protagonist (Odysseus) had changed from the beginning to the end of the story from being arrogant to very humble. 


To extend our learning, this afternoon, we chose to into role as a character from the story and worked in groups of three: one as the character, one as an interviewer and one as an evaluator. The interviewer had the job of prompting the character to find out as much as possible about what had happened to them whilst the evaluator made notes on their use of language and cohesion. We rotated in our roles so that we all had the opportunity to act, interview and evaluate. 


All the children rose up to the challenge and there was some gripping story retelling going in both in and outside of the classroom. 


We are now looking forward to using our ideas to create diary entries from our chosen character's perspective. 



Drama - Interviewing characters from the Adventures of Odysseus
