I am so excited about welcoming the children into class this year after a fantastic few days at the end of last term getting to know them. We have kicked off the new year with a bang, and welcomed Erik Erikkson into school on Tuesday to teach us all about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. This was a fantastic way to start our new topic 'Let the Battle Commence', which focusses on the Anglo Saxon and Viking period. They were all very well behaved and super polite when questionning Erik about all the fascinating artefacts he had brought with him, and were very inquisitive when it came to asking questions.
Well done Caidey for being our first star of the week! What an amazing example you have set for everyone in class for such exemplary behaviour and attitude to learning xx
All in all, I have had a lovely start to the term and I hope the children have too. We have had a busy week with the workshop and lots of outside learning that I hope they will all sleep well for you at the weekend :)
Mrs S x