
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

​​​​​​'Just Joshing' and visit from 'Orca'

'Just Joshing' and visit from 'Orca' 

Wow! We have been treated today in school by a visit from not only one, but two fantastic organisations. This morning, Firehorse Productions visited us for an Anti Bullying play called 'Just Joshing'. This focused on the effects of bullying, what bullying is and how it may look and also touched on other aspects such as cyber bullying. The children really enjoyed it and it will be a great catalyst for conversation in our upcoming friendship week. 


This afternoon, Mrs Simmons kindly arranged for Y3 and Y4 to be visited by ORCA, a charity that’s entirely dedicated to studying and protecting whales, dolphins and porpoises in the UK and European waters.


Our visitor brought with her some life size dolphin and porpoise models and the children were very engaged finding out about the different types of cetaceans. As always they were beautifully behaved for our visitors all day. 


I particularly enjoyed one comment from a child who said, 'We have learned so much today and we haven't even done any writing!!' :) 


Tomorrow we will be back to finishing and editing our stories. 


Mrs S x
