
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

Friday 1st October

This week has been jam packed with exciting events including our yearly harvest festival and our first church service since the beginning of lockdown. We started of the week by beginning our buddy day rota. Everyone enjoyed this, including the year Rs. Buddy days are where the year R and their year 6 buddy spend a lunchtime playing and eating their lunch together.


As well as this, we have been working extremely hard in all areas of our learning. This includes all our daily and weekly subjects such as English, maths, guided reading, science, topic and PE. In English on Friday, we did a free write about a picture of a place in Siberia. We all enjoyed writing this to get our creative juices flowing!


On Wednesday we started preparations for our section of the harvest festival church service by starting to make our harvest moon creations. Firstly, we coloured in the filter paper using red, yellow and orange pens before spraying the filter paper with water. After that, we drew a silhouette of a tree over our coloured, and blended, harvest moons.


On Thursday, we organised who’s doing what in our part of the harvest church service as well as practicing it in the hall. Also, the final practice in the church was a success and we are now waiting to attend the final and finished service.


Overall, it has been an amazing fourth week back at school for year 6 and we are looking forward to what next week will bring.

By Joseph and Elodie.
