
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

14th October

14th October


It has been another busy week in school and the children are continuing to impress me with their determination and enthusiasm. This week we have begun writing our letters to Y5 parents to persuade them to send their children on the Calshot Residential next year. The children have been working hard on planning and developing points logically to create cohesion whilst using persuasive techniques and vocabulary. Look out for some coming home soon with information on the y5 residential next year.


One of our learning highlights this week was learning about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Geography and making our first double-page spreads. The children loved the opportunity to be creative and we had some fantastic reports produced.  


In PE this half-term, we have been enjoying developing our basketball skills. We have developed our dribbling, passing and shooting skills. Enjoy looking at the photos to see us in action!



