We had some great costumes for World Book Day today, some of which were from the children's favourite books. The Giraffe staff also had fun dressing up as the Famous Five - can you spot Julian, Dick, George, Anne and Timmy the Dog in the photos below?
Many of the children enjoyed the opportunity to share book recommendations with us and we came away with lots of new authors to try such as Abi Elphinstone who has written 'Rumblestar' and Onjali Q Rauf whose new book 'The Lion above the Door' has just come out.
We enjoyed an author visit from Anne Wan on Tuesday who told us about writing her exciting series 'Secrets of the Snow Globe'. Following on from her inspiration, we took the opportunity to create our own Snow Globe worlds. We wrote some gripping descriptions and created an illustration to match. We then muddled them up and took on a class challenge of trying to match the descriptions with the illustrations. It was tricky but many of us were successful.