This will be our online learning zone should we need to be off school for a little while.
I will continue to post useful and interesting links when I come across them.
The following are ongoing tasks that can be done as and when:
Times Table Practice (Times Table Rockstars)
Spelling Practice (Spelling Shed or 'speedy spellings' lists)
On this page, I will post a series of home learning tasks which you may like to engage in with your child. I understand that given the current situation, these may not always be possible. I aim to post work both on this page, as well as on 'Google Classroom'. The work will aim to allow the children to keep on practising skills they have learnt so far in Year 5, as well as give further learning opportunities for curriculum areas that we were due to cover during this period of time away from school. I will aim to give a variety of daily Maths and English tasks, as well as topic based learning tasks.
Look after yourselves and each other.
Miss H x
Updated 22nd April
During the current school closures, we will continue to inform you of different websites and resources that you can use at home for home-learning, online activities or getting some daily exercise.
More and more subscription-based services are being offered free-of-charge at this time and we will continue to tell you about these as we hear about them, but please pay careful attention to the terms and conditions of these sites, especially as their free period comes to an end.
Please note that this is a shared list of resources for children across our school and therefore not all resources will be appropriate for all ages.
Recent Additions
BBC Bitesize now includes short daily lessons for all ages: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Oak National Academy is an online classroom and resource hub created by teachers, and it includes a range of short lessons for all subjects: https://www.thenational.academy/
The Government released its own list of resources for parents at the beginning of April. Please see more information at
This is a free information book explaining the coronavirus to children, illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler
Timestable Rockstars – (Y2–Y6 only)
Spelling Shed
SplashMaths (Y3/4) - free maths games - class codes and usernames to be sent out
Purple Mash - coding and online literacy activities
Scratch - online coding and creation of environments
Read Any Book - online free books (check age range to make sure they are suitable first)
Phonics Play - Phonics games
Top Marks - Lots of educational games including times tables
Oxford Owl - Lots of educational games
ICT Games - Lots of educational games and online tools to demonstrate mathematical methods (eg, number lines)
Snappy Maths - Lots of mental maths worksheets
JIT5 - A range of fun programs for the children to access: word processing, programming, animating etc
Crickweb - Sorting games, particularly good for science
National Geographic Kids- Activities and quizzes
Duolingo - Learning languages (available on web or app)
The Maths Factor – Carol Vorderman’s maths site (currently free of charge)
You can listen to David Walliams' daily short stories at any time. Each new story is being released at 11.00am from 24 March to 23 April.
Other online reading books are available from The Book Trust
For as long as schools are closed, children can instantly stream audible audio books.
RSPCA - Lots of fun and free resources!
10-Minute Shake-ups
Pinterest - An amazing collection of activities, games, etc Amazing for rainy day ideas
For theatre lovers:
There are also teaching and learning sites that are currently offering free resources to families:
www.twinkl.co.uk – enter code UKTWINKLHELPS
www.classroomsecrets.co.uk - no code needed