
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

Whole School (pre-2022)

Sports Day Races 2022 - The children were amazing during their Sports Day! They showed super determination and we were blown away by their kindness and support to each other. Here are a selection of photos from the afternoon races.

150th Celebrations - 2022 is the 150th birthday of the school. To celebrate, we had a special photograph taken (by drone), were kindly visited by Bishop Geoff, and decorated biscuits. We also invited musicians from across the school to share their talents.

Wheely Good Week: 5th-9th July 2021 It was great to see so many children cycling and scootering to school this week. They also had a great time scootering on the playground. In class we have been talking about how to keep safe on our bikes and scooters. The importance of helmets was an important part of this. We had a fantastic response to our helmet design competition and the standard was very high. Our JRSOs had a very difficult time choosing the winners. Have a look at the winning designs below.

Our World Book Day 2021 Photos

Termly Awards - Autumn 2019 - congratulations to all of the recipients this term

Be Bright Be Seen Day - November 2019 - a chance to shine and learn more about road safety in the darker months.

Today we welcomed Firehorse Productions into school for an 'Anti-Bullying' play. We will be following this up in the new half term with some resources provided by them during our own 'Friendship Week'. 

A selection of photographs from a very moving and thought-provoking Harvest Service at St. Matthews Church - October 4th 2019

Termly Awards Summer 2019 - A huge WELL DONE to all of our worthy winners this term.

Termly Awards Spring 2019 - Well Done! to all our winners. You make us very proud, every day.

World Book Day 2019 - More Harry's than you can shake a wand at!

A 'flipping' good (but cold!) series of Pancake Day races - March 5th 2019

Some snaps from this morning's Termly Awards - sorry if I missed you!
