
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

13th May

SATs Treat Day - Otterbourne Park Wood


Today we had a lovely time at Otterbourne Park Wood to celebrate the end of SATs. We built dens with our friends,  then sat in them to test how waterproof they were. Mrs Holland had great fun chucking water on top of us!


We also played lots of hiding games including, 'Hide from the Hunter' and 'Stalk the Deer'.


We enjoyed a relaxing picnic lunch in the meadow; Reuben's banana cake was delicious - thank you Reuben!

Although the grass was long, the boys did manage a game of football!


What a great end to a busy, but successful week! The children have done us very proud in their approach to the SATs and they definitely deserved their treat today.
