
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

This is an OUTSTANDING school! (OFSTED March 2015)

The school was subject to an OFSTED inspection in March 2015. Overall, the school is judged to be OUTSTANDING.
The judgements for each particular aspect of school performance are as follows:
Leadership and Management - OUTSTANDING
Behaviour and Safety of pupils - OUSTANDING
Quality of Teaching - OUTSTANDING
Achievement of pupils - OUTSTANDING
Early Years provision - OUSTANDING.

The inspection confirmed the schools own evaluation of its performance, under the same headings, and took account of data, children's views, parent views, governors' interviews, lesson observations, observations of the school's functioning in different areas and scrutiny of children's work. We are delighted that our judgements have been affirmed so definitely.

The report includes the following comments:
 ‘Parents are overwhelmingly pleased with their children’s education and the quality of support on offer.’
‘A high proportion of pupils make outstanding progress in English and mathematics during their time at school. This has been sustained over the past five years.’
‘Provision to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptional.’
‘Pupils enjoy every aspect of their experiences at school.’
‘Behaviour is outstanding in and around the school.’
‘Teaching is outstanding’
‘School staff are very proud to work at the school and are extremely supportive of leadership.’
‘The school prepares pupils exceptionally well for their futures through their high quality achievements, their excellent attendance and their outstanding behaviour.’
‘Expectations of pupils’ achievements are very high, leading to excellent progress in literacy and numeracy.’

Please do have a look at the full report.

Thanks to all concerned who have contributed to this public acknowledgement of the school's performance: committed and talented staff, amazing children, supportive parents and effective governors. We shall, of course,  continue to identify areas for further improvement and to do our very best to give every child the best possible education here at Otterbourne.
