
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

Wild Worship

Today, we were extremely proud of all the children as they worked in small groups to deliver Wild Worship sessions to Year R and KS1 classes. This is the first time the school has ever carried out Wild Worship fully utilising our beautiful meadow and woodland. 

This work was part of our Cathedral Project ahead of our Leavers' Service on Friday which is based on the theme of FLOURISHING. The children have been working hard on this project for a while which has included creating a Prayer Patch, peace pole, prayers, bible readings and a script to teach young children how everything flourishes at Otterbourne School. 

The staff and pupils were so inspired by the Wild Worship services that they are keen for them to continue. 

Wild Worship is set to be a 2022 Year 6 Leavers legacy. Please read more about it below. 
