
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

4th November

Friday 4th November 2022


 The children have come back extremely keen this week and we've had a very successful first week back. One of our highlights this week has been listening to all the Violent Earth projects being presented. Giraffe class have astounded me with the effort that they put into the presentations. We saw some fantastic 3D models, as well as some great powerpoints and posters. What is incredible is how much we have learn from them. Even the children that studied the same volcano or earthquake managed to find different information to share. We are now buzzing with evidence to help us decide which is the biggest threat to our world: earthquakes or volcanoes?


Another highlight this week has been outdoor learning day. Despite the weather, the children still managed to get outside for a large proportion of the day. Here are some photos of the children doing their Let's Think English and maths sessions outdoors with Mrs Robinson. 


