
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

Friday 10th September

WOW! What a fantastic first week back.  It is amazing just how wonderfully different school is without the restrictions.  Our Year 6 children have taken their place at the top of school with real positivity and have already met their buddies twice (this has surely been the highlight of the week!), and we are enjoying settling in to the new routines and getting to know each other.


This week we have started out rivers topic and the children began by making their own rivers from materials found around the school.  We had some team-building PE, which started as a bit of a noisy session but soon became controlled, with the children working for the greater good - something we talk a lot about as 'collaboration' is one of our learning toolbox skills for life.  All in all, it's been a great return for our new Giraffes (and Okapis).

7th September - Topic Launch Challenge "Make a River". 

Y6 used their toolbox skills of collaboration, creativity and communication today to show what they already knew about rivers by creating a river in our woodland. They did a great job and there was great excitement when they got to see it come to life and watch the water flowing down. 
