PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education
At Otterbourne C of E Primary School, our PSHE curriculum is carefully designed to support the holistic development of our children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in modern society. We ensure the curriculum aligns with our broader commitment to safeguarding and promoting British Values.
PSHE lessons in KS2 are primarily delivered by our HLTA, who is also a qualified ELSA. This dual role allows her to draw on her deep understanding of the children and their emotional needs, providing a safe and supportive environment for exploring sensitive topics. Lessons are structured around resources and recommendations from the PSHE Association, the government-recommended body for this area of the curriculum. We believe it is essential to teach these subjects to help children navigate challenges they may face, fostering resilience and awareness.
We also recognise the importance of adaptability and reflection in how we deliver PSHE. On occasion, it may be more suitable for the class teacher to deliver PSHE, particularly topics with a higher level of sensitivity. The PSHE curriculum developed by school is reviewed on a half-termly basis, ensuring that it meets the needs of the current cohort.
We inform parents of the upcoming topics in our termly newsletter and you can find more information regarding the content of the topics in our curriculum overview and progression document.
What do our pupils say about PSHE?
'It's like a tips and tricks guide to life!' - Year 6 pupil
'PSHE is lessons which help prepare you for the future' - Year 4 pupil