
Otterbourne Church of England
Primary School

With God's love, all are encouraged to thrive

FOS Christmas Events Coming Up...

Otterbourne C of E Primary School

FOS Christmas Events Coming Up… Dates for Diaries!


  • Thursday 7th December –Secret Shopping!

The ever popular Secret Shopping Store will be open to all classes. A range of gifts will be available for children to buy at £2 each. These will be taken home wrapped and labelled so you have a genuine surprise.


Children wishing to participate will need to bring on the day …

  • A list of who they are buying for - e.g. Mum, Dad, Florence (It’s useful if you can add an age if a gift is to be for a sibling or friend, so our elves can help point out appropriate gifts – a garden tool kit won’t be of much interest to a 6 month old!)
  • £2 per gift
  • A bag to take their gifts home in – especially if they are buying several – there’s a limit to what their bookbags can hold.


If you are able to help on the day, or with wrapping beforehand (Friday 1st Dec from 1.30/Monday 4th Dec after drop off) please email


Friday 8th December Christmas Fair/Father Christmas Grotto

After school until approx. 5pm, we will have pizza, hot chocolate, festive treats and some Christmassy stalls, together with the Glorious Grotto, where children can visit Father Christmas.


There will be a dress down day that Friday, 8th December, in exchange for something chocolatey! This can be a bar, a box, biscuits, hot chocolate – anything new and in date involving chocolate for our Grand Chocombola.


Other things we need help with:-

  • Items for our tombola – sort out those cupboards before Christmas and bring in any unwanted gifts!
  • Cakes and Festive Treats – any donations to be brought to school on Friday please.
  • Help with ticketing up our tombola/chocombola – Friday morning after drop off
  • Help running a stall – can you do a 45 minute stint on a stall?


Please let Alex know on the email above.

Updates can also be found on the FOS Facebook Page, which can be found at:-
